It is becoming increasingly important in the financial sector to design processes efficiently due to increasing competition beyond the banking sector and ever-stricter regulatory requirements. Creditworthiness checks can be mapped entirely digitally using the latest technology, which can create customer profiles in no time. It is essential to read out data using automatic text recognition and to output the relevant data in a structured form.
Our OCR interface supports this specifically: the fintract algorithm reliably extracts financial information from bank and credit card statements using AI-supported optical text recognition. Meaningful account transactions, such as salary payments, insurance premiums, pension expenses, and expenditures for children or means of transportation, are effortlessly located and extracted. The data is then reliably transferred to your software via the REST API interface and can thus be quickly processed further, for example, as part of the credit allocation process. This process saves valuable time and costs.
Are you interested in account and data analysis based on state-of-the-art AI technology?
Check out our fino Cockpit. It might be just the right thing for you.
We have been using our OCR successfully for several years and are continuously improving it. As a result, reading individual pieces of information from bank statements and credit card statements is a breeze. These include, among others:
fintract OCR has been used for many years in a wide variety of business areas.
We can therefore guarantee fast integration through an API solution, especially for the digitization of standard documents.
You would like to digitize additional or particularly extensive documents?
No problem – we are constantly expanding our product range and
continuously training our OCR.